
Single Expert Reports

Experts write reports under Division 7 of the Family Law Rules and a report produced may be used as evidence in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Court proceedings.

Experts have a duty to help the Court and this duty to the Court prevails over the obligations of the Expert to the person instructing or paying the fees of the Expert.

Parties can either agree by consent to appoint the Expert or a Judge can appoint the Expert in an Order.

You or your lawyer can use the template suggestion of a Joint Letter of Instruction which outlines specific information about the report that our office needs to know.

Our Experts have specialist skills, knowledge and experience in assessing matters involving: very young children, attachment, relocation, surrogacy & adoption, donor conception, parenting capacity, parental mental-health, family violence, intergenerational conflict, same sex family breakdown and complex separation matters.

A Single Expert Report is typically produced within 6 weeks of the interview date and is released to the Court directly.

If you seek the terms of engagement, costs, availability and CV for any of our team, please fill out this form or contact us.