Family and Relationship Counselling

Parenting & Family Relationships

Parents who have separated frequently seek the input of professionals to understand and cope with the separation and their new role as co-parents. In situations where there is high conflict, direct family or co-parenting therapy may not be possible.

However, there are tools available to help parents make sense of the separation, improve their co-parenting, reduce conflict and improve communication with the other parent.

These tools can be very effectively learnt in an online format.

Parenting After Separation (PAS) Online program: RelationSpace Online

The online program at The Relationspace, at is specifically designed as pre-work to family therapy and for parents who are experiencing conflict and difficult communication with an ex-partner or in a co-parenting situation.  Completion of the program results in a Certificate which can be provided to the Court as provision of psycho-education PAS program. The program is a valuable reference resource for you to return to during therapy.